Beauty and Fashion Dubai

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A true bazaar experience flaunted at WAFI Mall

WAFI Bazaar serves as a hub for local participants to display their talent

WAFI Mall initiates a true bazaar experience for its current and prospective customers. WAFI Bazaar plays as a home for a variety of local talents over a short period of time.


The Bazaar runs every Saturday which began on September 5, 2015 and will run through till November 28, 2015. Aspiring individuals showcase their collections ranging from fashion, to accessories, handicrafts, art pieces and much more!

WAFI Mall assists a variety of local participants with the sole purpose of accentuating the expertise of men and women in the region. The mall continues to strive as an avenue for local talent.

Here’s a snippet of WAFI Bazaar from September 19, 2015!

1 comment on “A true bazaar experience flaunted at WAFI Mall

  1. littlepieceofpie Hi Tasha, your blog is beautiful, are you an event stlysit? Your birthday parties are incredible! I can’t really recommend fabric ink suppliers in Perth, as I bought mine online. Though I thought you might like to know that Jacksons in Northbridge can create silk screens. I think it’s about $14 for A4 and you email them a pdf of your design and they’ll send it to your nearest store to pick up. I only have a little Riso screen print kit so that worked out well for me.

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